Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Don't have Unlimited Means to Bail Out the World

I read an article called, The Incredible Shrinking Food and Other Ways They've Got Their Hands in Our Wallets.  This really made me think about all the things that have gone on in the past few years in relation to my own situation.  The author of the previously mentioned article, John Myers, is absolutely right.  

Because of this recession, my husband lost his job, we were forced to retire early, and we can't sell our home because of the lousy economy. Our health insurance premiums have sky rocketed, and every time we turn around someone has their hand out.  The President of the United States thinks that we should sacrifice more.  He wants us to bail out everyone and his brother.  Switch to a green economy without being prepared for it.  

Obama's healthcare plan has done nothing for me.  In fact because of it, I worry that the company that has my retiree healthcare plan will drop the plan, or the coverage become so expensive that I can no longer afford it.  I can't get insurance, and the way this healthcare plan is set up I may be without insurance until the provisions that make insurance companies cover preexisting conditions goes into effect in 2014.  Believe me I'm not the only person in this situation, but if you're a union member I'm sure the government will help you out.

Government and business know that many baby boomers have saved for their retirement and think they should still have a share of the hard earned retirement money that this generation has acquired.  They want a transference of wealth even before boomers draw their last breaths. 

What happened to the principals that I was taught when I was a child.  We saved pennies.  I get really mad when I hear that the so called baby boomers are a spoiled generation, and are at fault for everything that has gone wrong with this economy.  I beg to differ.  I and my husband have been working since we were 15 and 16 years old.  No one gave us anything.  We have never been bailed out, and have always paid our taxes and bills.  

It infuriates me when I hear some idiot on television say that my generation is going to bankrupt the country because of entitlement programs that are too generous.  Excuse me, I've been paying into those programs most of my life.  Where the hell is my money!

Our country's deficit is now over the  trillion dollar mark, and congress continues blithely along spending like there's no tomorrow.   Keep it up boys and girls and there will be no tomorrow.  We will spend ourselves into oblivion. Am I worried about my grandchild's future?  Oh yes, and so should we all be worried.  Let your voice be heard during the next elections.  Send our legislators a strong signal.  Fire the ones in office and hire a new batch.  Choose people who believe in fiscal responsibility, who know how to solve problems, and are not liars.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How to Avoid the Airlines Extra Charges - Nickel and Dime Operation

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
It's quite interesting how the airlines have come up with their current pricing structure.  You can find decent ticket prices, but the services have greatly diminished.

US Airways is one example of an airline that has charging for extras down to a fine science.  If you get the super deluxe cheap rate, you will generally get the worse seats on the plane.  Now, let's just say you would like a better seat.  You can still do that, but at a cost.  On the smaller jets the cost of a better seat is around $5.00 each.  You can choose to upgrade your seat at the time of online check-in.  On the bigger planes the cost of changing to a better seat is $15.00 per seat.  If  you carry on your bag, there is still no charge.  For checked luggage it's another story.  The first bag you check is $23 if you do it during online check-in.  At the airport it's a bit more expensive at $25.  The second checked bag is $32 or $35.  The prices for this airline's checked baggage have been steadily climbing.  I'm guessing it's the same with the other airlines.

Most airlines no longer give any kind of a snack.  You can purchase one if you want.  They do still give drinks.  Some flights only give you a little plastic cup filled mostly with ice.  Occasionally you'll get a full can of coke, but that doesn't happen very often any more.

I used to check baggage in the days before the charges, but not anymore.  If I can't carry it with me on the plane, it stays home.  I'm guessing that most people do the same thing.  I'm getting good at packing for several weeks using a  carry on bag.  I no longer take any liquids with me as I don't want any added chance for a hassle.  I am determined to travel the cheapest way possible.  If that means things are not quite so convenient for me, then so be it.  I don't mind taking a little snack with me from home.  I usually buy a bottle of water after I go through security so that I have something to drink.  I now travel on the red eye, but that's not so bad.  Whatever I can do to keep more money in my pocket I will do.

Before you book your flight, check exactly what is extra.  Plan to avoid those costs by bringing your own food and carrying on your own bags.  It could be in the future that airlines will charge for carry on luggage as well.  Spirit Airlines is going to start doing that in August.  I don't know what I will do to counter act that greediness.  Check out my article on Factoidz about, Will Airlines Start Charging for Carry on Luggage.  This is pretty outrageous.  We'll just have to see what happens in the future.  Could be that some of these airlines will price themselves out of business.

I also wrote an article on Associated Content about, Flying is no Longer Fun.  If you've got a second click on the link to read it.  Thanks for reading my blog.