Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tips on Teaching Your Demanding Little Toddler Discipline

Your sweet little infant who was entirely dependent on you has now become a little toddler. He or she is walking; feeding themselves, learning to be potty trained, and is trying to figure out all sorts of things. Your toddler is developing as an independent individual. This can be a trying time for both you and your toddler. Are you up to the task of teaching limits and boundaries to your little charmer?

You will need to be patient. First of all, remember that you are the adult and try not to lose control of the situation. You will need to dig deep on some days when you have told them N... From: Tips on Teaching Your Demanding Little Toddler Discipline

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Avoid the Christmas Shopping Madness - Shop Online

Some people enjoy getting out in the Christmas rush. Others prefer to keep their sanity and find less stressful ways to get their Christmas shopping done. Shopping online has become increasingly popular, but in order to take advantage of online shopping you will need to do it a little earlier than traditional store shopping.

The earlier that you start planning what you are going to purchase for your friends and family the easier it is to avoid the crowds. Online shopping has become increasingly popular for all types of shopping. If you happen to procrastinate, never fear as there are stil... From: How to Avoid the Christmas Shopping Madness - Shop Online

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Grandma Emma and "The Screaming Skull"

When I was a youngster, probably around ten years old, Grandma Emma used to live with us. Mom and Dad both worked so Grandma took care of the house, cooked the meals, and looked after my brother and myself.
Grandma Emma loved to go to the movies. Mom worked at a fishing tackle plant during the week. On the weekends is the time when we would go to the movies or out for Sunday dinner. Dad was either working ....Read more: Grandma Emma and "The Screaming Skull".

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Comparison of Cabronite and CrashPlan Online Computer Backup Services

I came across two companies that provide online backup services. One was Carbonite and the other was CrashPlan. Everyone probably knows about Carbonite as they have been doing a lot of advertising on television these days. The other company, CrashPlan, is a company I stumbled on because of a Twitter conversation. There are other companies, but these are the two that ...Read More: A Comparison of Carbonite and CrashPlan Online Comuter Backup Services

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Financial Planning How to Plan for a Secure Future

You will hear all your life that you need to plan for retirement. The baby boomers who have begun to retire have also heard that you shouldn't count on social security to help you out with your retirement planning. Social security was never meant to be a persons only means of retirement. Nor should we rely on the government to provide us with a meaningful source of retirement funds.

Most people know how important it is to save money. My grandmother told me you need to save for a rainy day. I was pretty young when she imparted these pearls of wisdom. I didn't quite know what she me... From: Financial Planning How to Plan for a Secure Future


Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Comparison of AVG Versus McAfee Antivirus Software

Both AVG and McAfee are popular products. I have used both of these products off and on for many years. The biggest difference between these two antivirus products is that AVG is absolutely free. I have installed many different antivirus programs because I thought there might be something better out there. I have found that both AVG and McAfee run well on my computers.

Recently I installed the newest version of AVG on my computer (version 9) and found that there have been some improvements...From: A Comparison of AVG Versus McAfee Antivirus Software

Fall Care of Chrysanthemums or Mums

The Chrysanthemum (I’ll call them Mums from now on) is a beautiful blooming perennial. A perennial is a plant that will come back year after year. Those are exactly the kinds of plants that I love. Not exactly plant and forget, as all flowers take a certain amount of care.

Mums come in a variety of beautiful colors. Mums are an extremely hardy plant, and are especially easy for beginning gardeners to grow. I have had Mums in every yard of the homes where I have lived. The plants will normally grow from…read more here:  Fall Care of Chrysanthemums or Mums

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Could You Become a Victim of Fraud?

If you aren’t vigilant about guarding your personal information; then, yes, you could become a victim of fraud. In fact, if you think about it, you probably know someone in your family that has been a victim of fraud.

Scams are found everywhere. How many times have you received a phishing email? This is an email that may misrepresent a bank, credit card company, or even a government agency. You know that you never access your bank unless you go to their site yourself. You wouldn’t open your account by clicking on an email link. Most of the time these types of scams are prett... From: Could You Become a Victim of Fraud?

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Review of a Website to Save Money with Restaurant Discounts is a website that registered users can purchase some substantial discounts at restaurants in their local areas.

I am a big internet user for many things. I'm always looking for ways to save money. Any time I'm getting ready to make a purchase, I will do an internet search for a discount or a coupon that may be available for what I'm planning on purchasing.

Several years ago I came across an internet site called I had a friend that used it quite regularly. This site specializes in selling discount coupons to restaurants. At certain times of the month they o... From: A Review of a Website to Save Money with Restaurant Discounts