EZSee by DC Large Print Computer Keyboard USB Wired (Yellow Keys with Black Jumbo Oversized Print Letters) for Visually Impaired Individuals, Low Vision, or Low Light for Seniors and People with Bad Vision!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Setting Up a Laptop for the Senior in Your Family
EZSee by DC Large Print Computer Keyboard USB Wired (Yellow Keys with Black Jumbo Oversized Print Letters) for Visually Impaired Individuals, Low Vision, or Low Light for Seniors and People with Bad Vision!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Self-Driving Automobiles Could Become a Reality, Thanks to Google
Google Advertising Tools: Cashing in with AdSense and AdWords
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
FBI Warnings of Malicious Software Were Issued Today
Thursday, March 31, 2011
AT&T Caps Broadband Service for Their DSL and UVerse Internet Customers
I recently signed up for AT&T's UVerse service. What I didn't realize when I switched from my cable provider to UVerse, was that beginning May 1, 2011 caps would be going in place on my internet service broadband usage. Because I am a UVerse customer, my cap will be…
Please read the entire article here: AT&T Caps Broadband Service for Their DSL and UVerse Internet Customers
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Fallacy that Americans Feel Certain Jobs are Beneath Them
Somehow there is an incorrect assumption that Americans won’t work certain types of jobs. The truth is that most Americans will work jobs that pay a fair living wage. They are not too proud to work blue collar jobs. In fact they are doing so right now, but those jobs have been disappearing.
Please read the full article here: The Fallacy that Americans Feel Certain Jobs are Beneath Them
The Importance of Mulching in the Garden
Please read the entire article here: The Importance of Mulching in the Garden
Fiskars 9424 Garden Bucket Caddy only $12.87
Monday, March 28, 2011
Would You Abandon Facebook if Robert Gibbs is Hired?
I have to admit that I am not a fan of Robert Gibbs, but I am a big fan of Facebook. My husband and I are both conservatives. He called me and told me that Facebook had hired Robert Gibbs. Well, as of this writing, that’s not quite true. What I did find out was that Facebook is in negotiations with....
Please read the entire article here: Would You Abandon Facebook if Robert Gibbs is Hired?
How Congress Works and Why You Should Care
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Senator Claire McCaskill Forgets to Pay Taxes on Her Private Plane
When you have so much it's easy to forget a mere $287,273 that should have been paid back in 2007 for taxes on your private plane. Could that hurt Senator Claire McCaskill's reelection chances for 2012?
Please read the entire article here: Senator Claire McCaskill Forgets to Pay Taxes on Her Private Plane
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Top Five Reasons I Like Cannon Printers
I've been a big fan of Cannon Printers for years now. I purchased my first Cannon because my son had one, and I liked the way it looked. Now that I have my own, there are lot more reasons why I like it besides it's looks.
Please read the entire article here: The Top Five Reasons I Like Cannon Printers
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Top Five Things to Love About Windows 7
Please read the entire article here: The Top Five Things to Love About Windows 7
del.icio.us Tags: Windows 7,computer,software,favorite
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Top Five Reasons Not to Jump from the Golden Gate Bridge
Please read the entire article here: The Top Five Reasons Not to Jump from the Golden Gate Bridge
You might also be interested in this article that I wrote about the Golden Gate Bridge. You can read that article here: One of the Best San Francisco Attractions – The Golden Gate Bridge
The Top Five Ways to Protect Yourself from Charitable Contribution Fraud
There are people who will take advantage of natural disasters in order to steal your identity and take your money. Anytime a disaster strikes, like the recent earthquake in Japan, those who would take advantage of people's generosity prepare their emails to go out.
Please read the entire article here: The Top Five Ways to Protect Yourself from Charitable Contribution Fraud
Monday, February 28, 2011
Cutting the Charitable Deductions is Part of Obama’s Budget Proposal
Eliminating the charitable deductions for the very rich will more than likely kill organizations that benefit from these types of donations.
While it might sound good to eliminate…
Please read the entire article here: Cutting the Charitable deductions is Part of Obama’s Budget Proposal
Charlie Sheen is Outrageous
I use to enjoy watching Charlie Sheen on television and in the movies. I think now, though, he goes on my list of turn him off actors.
Not too long ago I wrote a post about Randy Quaid called, News from Hollywood: What's with Randy Quaid. In that piece I discussed a list of actors, along with…
Please read the entire article here: Charlie Sheen is Outrageous
WordPress Tags: Charlie, Sheen,Outrageous,television,Randy,Quaid,News,Hollywood,piece,article,actors
Friday, February 25, 2011
Children and Cell Phones
You've seen them, young children wandering around a local store or the neighborhood with a cell phone talking to their friends without any kind of supervision. It seems some parents think this is a…
Chapters Indigo vs. eHarlequin: Bookstore & Reader Community Review
Sunday, February 20, 2011
FedExOffice: Review, Competitors & Coupon Code
Fedex Office was born out of the acquisition of Kinkos in 2004. Since that time this service has been evolving into a unique concept that offers many services to individuals and companies alike. Most of us know the name Fedex from its worldwide shipping services.
Please read the entire article here: FedEx Officce: Review, Competitors $ Coupon Code
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Single Brew Coffee Market May See a New Competitor in Starbucks
Starbucks has been steadily sneaking its way into the retail coffee business. It looks as if Starbucks might be in partnership talks with Green Mountain.
Green Mountain is currently the top…
Please read the entire article here: Single Brew Coffee Market may See a New Competitor in Starbucks
Sunday, February 13, 2011
DRM Restricts EBook Purchasers to the Full Rights of Their EBooks
When you purchase an eBook for yourself it’s quite a bit different than when you purchase a book that is in actual print. With a regular book you are able to loan it to a friend or trade it for another book.
Please read the entire article here: DRM Restricts eBook Purchasers to the Full rights of Their Books
President Obama Compares his Budget to a Normal Family Living Within its Means
President Obama every Saturday delivers a video address to the nation. This week he addressed the country’s budget.
The President compared his new budget that will be announced on Monday, to how a responsible family would build their budget in order to…
Please read the entire article here: President Obama Compares his Budget to a Normal Family Living Within its Means
Major Health Insurance Fraud Uncovered by the FBI
Health Insurance Fraud is probably more prevalent than we’d like to think. All it takes is a dishonest doctor and a network of individuals willing to make false claims.
That’s exactly what has been going on….
Read the entire article here: Major Health Insurance Fraud Uncovered by the FBI
Friday, February 11, 2011
US Weekly Puts Words in Sarah Palin's Mouth
Please read the full article here: US Weekly Puts Words in Sarah Palin’s Mouth
Technorati Tags: Sarah Palin,Christina Aquilera,US Weekly,Super Bowl
Monday, February 7, 2011
Yellow Pages Opt Out Option Offered
They're big, they're bulky, and many people never even look at them. They come to you every year, and depending on where you live there could be a lot of paper involved. You can now opt out of….
Please read the entire article here: Yellow Pages Opt Out Option Offered
Sunday, February 6, 2011
We are on a Bullet Train to Bankruptcy Says Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin spoke at the 100th birthday anniversary celebration of Ronald Reagan at the Reagan Ranch Center. If you by chance listened to her speech, you heard her say
Please read the entire story here: We are on a Bullet Train to Bankruptcy Says Sarah Palin
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Global Warming Believers Propose Tax on Meat and Milk
Fuel prices are on the rise, which causes increases in most of the things that are purchased. Anyone who shops for groceries knows that prices for food are going up rapidly. Those who support the global warming theory….
Please read the entire article here: Global Warming Believers Propose Tax on Meat and Milk
Cyber Pranksters Steal 250,000 Profiles from Facebook to Post on Dating Site
Two so called "cyber pranksters" got creative. The reason for their prank was to show how vulnerable Facebook profiles are.
It seems they succeeded. Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovic are the names of the two men who took it upon themselves to expose the Facebook shortcomings. They made a…
Please read the entire article here: Cyper Pranksters Steal 250,000 Profiles Facebook to Post on Dating Site
Friday, February 4, 2011
T-Mobile is Number One in Customer Satisfaction
We all know how important customer service is when it comes to choosing a wireless carrier. If you don’t get good customer service, you probably won’t do business with a company over a long period of time.
Please the entire article here: T-Mobile is Number One in Customer Satisfaction
I-35 Bandit at Large – FBI Asks for Help in His Capture
The I-35 Bandit is described as a serial bank robber. It is thought that he has been robbing banks in the Waco, Austin, and San Antonio, Texas area since 2003. He is considered to be armed and dangerous.
Please the entire article here: I-35 Bandit at Large – FBI Asks for Help in His Capture
William and Kate a Lifetime Movie
There is no doubt that Americans are fascinated with England’s royal family. Many fans of the royals remember watching the wedding of Diana and Prince Charles, and look forward to watching the wedding of William and Kate on April 29, 2011.
Back at the end ….
Please read the entire article here: William and Kate a Lifetime Movie
Photo From Flickr by Francis Storr
Beware of the Phony Phone Support Scam
Cyber thieves are constantly dreaming up ways to try to steal from unsuspecting victims. One scam that you should be aware of is the Phony Phone Support Scam. This is where someone calls you on the phone saying…
Please read the entire article here: Beware of the Phony Phone Support Scam
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Global Warming to Climate Change – How has the Planet gotten there?
Several years ago proponents of global warming, Al Gore for one, began lecturing us on the affects of this phenomenon. Man’s affect on the climate has been blamed for all the bad weather in recent history.
Gore says….
Read the entire article here: Global Warming to Climate Change- How has the Planet gotten there?
The Republican YouCut Project Taking Small Steps?
The Republican YouCut Project has been taking small steps in government spending cuts. Prior to the Republican majority in the House, none of their suggested cuts were passed.
Each week the YouCut Project puts on
Read the entire article here: The Republican YouCut Project Taking Small Steps
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Health Care Reform Bill Declared Unconstitutional
Judge Roger Vinson, a U.S. district judge in Florida, has ruled that the health-care law is unconstitutional and that the entire law should be thrown out. The…
Read the entire article here: Health Care Reform Bill Declared Unconstitutional
Facebook International Mega Jackpot Scam
This scam has been around for some time, but it is still being sent to people on Facebook. I’m not really sure how anyone would fall for this scam, but I’m sure that there must be some victims or it wouldn’t still be circulating.
There are a few different variations of this scam, but the format seems to be the same.
You can read the entire article here: Facebook International Mega Jackpot Scam
Facebook Scams Abound
Many of us that use Facebook often, or have been subscribed for a long time, are aware that you can't trust everything that gets posted to your wall. What? You say you didn't know there were Facebook scams?
Please read the full article here: Facebook Scams Abound
Friday, January 28, 2011
Kindle eBooks Top Paperback Sales on Amazon
Who would have thought a few years ago that electronic books would sell better than paperbacks? Well, it has officially happened. Amazon has announced that Kindle eBooks have topped paperback sales.
If you have ever used an eReader….Read the full article here: Kindle eBooks Top Paperback Sales on Amazon
New York Mafia takes FBI Hit - James Caan Offers to Post Bail
On January 20th of this year, the FBI arrested members of the New York Mafia, including some of the most well known and powerful mafia family members. There were over 700 law officials involved on all levels in making the arrests of around 130 mafia members.
Apparantly James Caan has offered to….Read the full article: New York Mafia takes FBI Hit – James Caan Offers to Post Bail
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Dennis Kucinich Sues over an Olive Pit in His Sandwich
In 2008 Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) bit into a sandwich purchased in the cafeteria located in the House building. Unfortunately, there was an olive pit lurking in his sandwich
You can read the whole story at: Dennis Kucinich Sues over an Olive Pit in His Sandwich
Photo By United States Congress (http://www.gpoaccess.gov/pictorial/111th/oh.html) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
'America's Most Wanted' Helps to Capture Jack Allen Poteat
Jack Allen Poteat was captured, as a result of the popular television program America's Most Wanted hosted by John Walsh. He had been eluding the FBI for over 10 years.
Mr. Poteat is charged with "Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution" in a statuary rape…You can read the full story here: ‘America’s Most Wanted’ Helps to Capture Jack Allen Poteat
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Prophecy, Omen, End of the World – 200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin
Is this a prophecy coming to pass that foretells the beginning of the end? According to some, the fish, birds, and now, cow deaths signifies the beginning of the end of the world.
Some are pointing to the book of Hosea whereby man turns his back on God and the prophecy that results from that says
Read the entire post: Prophecy, Omen, End of the World – 200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin