Friday, January 28, 2011

Kindle eBooks Top Paperback Sales on Amazon

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Who would have thought a few years ago that electronic books would sell better than paperbacks? Well, it has officially happened. Amazon has announced that Kindle eBooks have topped paperback sales.

If you have ever used an eReader….Read the full article here:  Kindle eBooks Top Paperback Sales on Amazon

New York Mafia takes FBI Hit - James Caan Offers to Post Bail

lqggzx On January 20th of this year, the FBI arrested members of the New York Mafia, including some of the most well known and powerful mafia family members. There were over 700 law officials involved on all levels in making the arrests of around 130 mafia members.

Apparantly James Caan has offered to….Read the full article:  New York Mafia takes FBI Hit – James Caan Offers to Post Bail

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dennis Kucinich Sues over an Olive Pit in His Sandwich

220px-Dennis_KucinichIn 2008 Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) bit into a sandwich purchased in the cafeteria located in the House building. Unfortunately, there was an olive pit lurking in his sandwich

You can read the whole story at: Dennis Kucinich Sues over an  Olive Pit in His Sandwich



Photo By United States Congress ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

'America's Most Wanted' Helps to Capture Jack Allen Poteat

JAPoteat Jack Allen Poteat was captured, as a result of the popular television program America's Most Wanted hosted by John Walsh. He had been eluding the FBI for over 10 years.

Mr. Poteat is charged with "Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution" in a statuary rape…You can read the full story here:  ‘America’s Most Wanted’ Helps to Capture Jack Allen Poteat

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prophecy, Omen, End of the World – 200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin

Is this a prophecy coming to pass that foretells the beginning of the end?  According to some, the fish, birds, and now, cow deaths signifies the beginning of the end of the world.

Some are pointing to the book of Hosea whereby man turns his back on God and the prophecy that results from that says

Read the entire post:  Prophecy, Omen, End of the World – 200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin

Friday, January 7, 2011

Debt Ceiling Increase Desperately Needed Says Geithner

Congress is in for a bumpy ride in 2011. In February of 2010 Congress voted to increase the debt ceiling to $14,294,000,000,000. That was an increase of close to 2 trillion dollars. An out of control government is leading us to the brink of financial disaster.
Timothy Geithner is pleading with Congress to....

Photo credit: penywise from

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

An Eerie Happening in Beebe Arkansas New Year’s Eve

This is something like out of the movies. Birds dying and falling from the skies for no apparent reason. Is it an omen or a not so unusual occurrence?
On New Year’s Eve 2010 reports say that blackbirds fell from the sky over Beebe, Arkansas.  There seems to be a bit of a discrepancy as to how many birds fell.  News agencies are reporting that...Please Read More: An Eerie Happening in Beebe Arkansas New Year's Eve