Monday, May 3, 2010

Arizona's New Immigration Laws - Fair?

There has been much attention focused on Arizona now that they have an enacted a new immigration law. Protesters have been marching in the streets, the current federal administration has condemned the new law, and many say that it is racial injustice.

If nothing else, Arizona has forced the federal government to pay attention to the problems of illegal immigration in the United States. If a police officer stops someone and they barely speak English, is that enough reason to ask for their papers? By law a person who is a permanent resident of the United States must carry their Green Card, work visa, or whatever form of proper identification they might have with them at all times. This isn't something that Arizona invented. I've read news reports that Arizona is requiring this. This is already a federal law.

We have millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. If we aren't going to effectively control immigration let's get rid of the federal government departments that are involved. I'm being sarcastic of course. For those individuals who follow the law and are here legally, let's make things fair. Let's stop the flow of illegals into the country and do something about the people who are already here.

Send individuals with criminal records back to the countries they belong to. Any other individual who wants to stay in this country should be required to go through a process to become legal residents or citizens of this country.

If we can manage to piss off half the country over Healthcare, then let's go ahead and piss off the other half over effective immigration reform.

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