Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Politicians are Ordinary People

Politicians are ordinary people being asked to do extraordinary things.  We expect our politicians to be honest, ethical, and smart.  They are people, and as such they do make mistakes.  So how much slack should we cut them?  I say not too much.  This is a career that they have chosen.  They know going in what is expected of them.

What truly amazes me, though, is the audacity of some of these people who have chosen public office.  Politicians have a reputation these days of being corrupt, greedy, and immoral.  It's sad, but unfortunately true.  Who in their right mind would want to be a politician.

On the other hand, you have our brave men and women who serve in our armed forces and defend our country. They go to foreign lands to fight as our leaders command.  They endure hardships, being away from loved ones, and even die.  They deserve more from their government than they have been getting lately.

If you are a politician no matter what level of government, think of what this country means to millions of individuals.  Governing is not for the benefit of the special interests.  The laws of our nation need to be upheld and not ignored.  We depend on our government to protect us.  Lately it seems that it has been falling short of the job.

Think of what you do everyday.  Make what you decide for the good of all the people.  Don't follow blindly as sheep because of ideology.  Open your eyes and really look around, and listen.  To do anything less makes a mockery of the sacrifices that so many Americans have made for this country.

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