Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Enforcing Immigration Laws

Could someone please tell me why it would be wrong to enforce United States law?

If a police officer stops a traffic violator, and they don't speak English, is that not significant cause to ask that they show their papers?  By federal law all immigrants are required to have their papers showing that they are here legally with them.  It doesn't matter what nationality the person might be.

The Arizona law has brought illegal immigration to the front of the stage.  Also the incident on Cinco de Mayo, in California has catapulted this social issue to everyone's attention. The school in California was wrong when it asked the young students, with flags on their shirts, to turn their shirts inside out.  It's wonderful to have pride in your heritage, but we are Americans.   I, as an American, believe in the law.  Not just for some people, but for all people.

I don't claim to know what's going on in that school.  It's possible that there have been ongoing problems between the Hispanic students and the other students.  The parents and community leaders need to find a way to teach all of their children tolerance for others.

I'm not suggesting that we make people who are not legal immigrants at this time be sent out of the United States.  What I am suggesting is that we do something to control illegal immigration into this country.  I don't think that what Arizona has done will do anything to solve the problem.  Until there is effective control of our borders, there is no solution.

In this particular instance the Federal Government has failed to do it's job.  This is something that all modern day administrations have ignored.  The security of our borders is a national issue and putting our heads in the sand will not make this problem disappear.

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